We’re at that point where it’s time to revisit my annual blog about forming a plan to succeed in screenwriting not only in the next twelve months but over the years it typically takes to break in. Christmas is a great time to pause and reflect on where we are and I like to keep this […]
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10 Harsh Truths You Need To Hear About Screenwriting
It’s twenty-twenty and time for some tough-talk. You know I’m slowly building a screenwriting career and I want to send the elevator back down as much as I can. There’s a LOT of misinformation out there, more than ever right now, and I feel the need to lay down ten truths every screenwriter trying to break […]
Continue readingMy Secret Formula for Breaking-In as a Screenwriter
You see it every day on the forums, how do I break in? What’s the Goldilocks porridge of scripts that will guarantee success? How do I create that magic bullet? Who do I need to talk to to make it all happen? What’s Hollywood looking for? DEAR GOD, PLEASE TELL ME WHAT THIS CRAZY TOWN […]
Continue readingA Screenwriter’s Basic Guide to Analysing Early Offers
Okay that’s perhaps a bit of an overly convoluted title but this isn’t a full guide supposed to cover every aspect of every deal a screenwriter can be presented with during their career. This is some basics to cover those early offers you may be presented with and to help you determine if you should […]
Continue readingHow This Writer Eventually Laughed off a Blacklist 2, Got Told He Was a “Bad Writer”, Never Made It past the Quarter Finals & Still Optioned a Goddamned Feature Script
I’ve finally optioned a feature script. It’s taken six years to get to this point and it’s been tough, really tough. How does it feel? It feels amazing. It’s a whole new level of validation. It feels like the start of something rather than living in purgatory. But I don’t want to make this about […]
Continue readingMy Turn & Burn Story Structure Has Made The Story Structure Countdown
In my first couple of years writing, when reflecting on my first few scripts, one of by biggest weaknesses I identified was my understanding story structure. I just couldn’t get my head around it. It was like trying to learn a new language, with a new alphabet… and with a few more phonetics thrown in […]
Continue readingSo I’ve Created A Free Script Hosting Website; Script Revolution
While going into year five of writing this year, it really began to hit me just how tough the filmmaking world is for 99.9% of people. More and more walls seem to be being built around breaking in by people who then stand by the gate expecting payment from others to get through. That’s not […]
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